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Technical Case 2 - ODC YasniLab
Location: Escritório Yasnitech - Rua Arandu 57, Cidade Monções, São Paulo, SP 04562-030
4/15/24, 4:30 PM
4/15/24, 5:30 PM
(1 hour)
Major differences O11 and ODC (and related impacts)
- lack of tenants
- isolation os data and security
- different libraries (.Net Core vs .Net 4.6)
- limitation on the file size that can be processed (5MB) -
- what is it?
- why it exists?
- what is the solution in development to overcome it (need to know .Net Core)
- theoretical arquitecture vs. real life experiences - what is the impact when I use this new platform in real life
- ODC advantages
- library versioning (huge in development)
- ....